In the seventh installment in the Strike series, Cormoran and Robin must rescue a man ensnared in the trap of a dangerous cult.
Private detective Cormoran Strike is contacted by a worried father whose son, Will, has gone to join a religious cult in the depths of the Norfolk countryside.
The Universal Humanitarian Church is, on the surface, a peaceable organization that campaigns for a better world. Yet Strike discovers that beneath the surface there are deeply sinister undertones, and unexplained deaths.
In order to try to rescue Will, Strike's business partner, Robin Ellacott, decides to infiltrate the cult, and she travels to Norfolk to live incognito among its members. But in doing so, she is unprepared for the dangers that await her there or for the toll it will take on her...
The Running Grave moves Strike's and Robin's story forward in this epic, unforgettable seventh installment of the series.
ROBERT GALBRAITH is a pseudonym for J.K. Rowling, bestselling author of the Harry Potter series and The Casual Vacancy. All six previous Strike novels, The Cuckoo's Calling, The Silkworm, Career of Evil, Lethal White, Troubled Blood and The Ink Black Heart, topped the national and international bestseller lists, and the series has been adapted for television, produced by Brontë Film and Television.